Grief Support: Are you struggling without your loved one? Overwhelmed by the grief process?
Jesus House Prayer and Renewal Center will be offering sessions in 2024. Participation is open to adults who are coping with the recent or long standing loss of a loved one. These grief support groups are designed to offer support, comfort, and coping skills to adults who have sustained the loss of a loved one.
Members of the support group will have the opportunity to share as they feel comfortable, while addressing the emotional issues and challenging changes surrounding the death of a loved one. Also included will be practical considerations as how to cope with anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, and memorials, as well as learning about the possible behavioral, cognitive, emotional, physical and spiritual responses one can experience in grief and helpful means to understand the bereavement process.
Facilitator will be:
Mrs. Angela Malmgren, M.S., in Pastoral Care, Certified Spiritual Director
This ministry is offered to the public at no cost, but a donation to Jesus House would be appreciated.
For more information and/or to register please contact Angela Malmgren below:
By Phone - 302-650-0066
Email - angie.malmgren@gmail.com